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ivory tower造句

"ivory tower"是什么意思  
  • Transcend the ivory tower : derek bok ' s university ideas
    德里克183 ;博克的大学理念
  • Both entering and surpassing the amp; amp; quot; ivory tower
  • He saw he should no longer shut himself up in his ivory tower
  • Fashion psychology in ivory tower
  • Your neck is like an ivory tower
  • Going out ivory tower - on combining humanity education of university with enterprices
  • The drugs - company bosses are pushing scientists out of their ivory towers
  • Living in your ivory tower at oxford , you can ' t imagine what it ' s like to go hungry
  • I thought you ' d never realize that . it seems you used to live in an ivory tower
  • B : i thought you ' d never realize that . it seems you used to live in an ivory tower
  • It's difficult to see ivory tower in a sentence. 用ivory tower造句挺难的
  • I don ' t know , gebhard . maybe your harvard degree is too ivory tower for our purposes
  • When they come downstairs from their ivory tower , idealist is apt to walk straight into the gutter
  • As a college student in the modern age , i should find ways of getting myself out of the ivory tower and into the real world
  • In reality , the university often goes to two extremes : to be vulgarization or to be a " ivory tower "
    但是在现实中,大学往往走向两个极端:由于过度强调大学对社会的适应而走向庸俗化,由于过分保守而成为与世隔绝的“象牙之塔” 。
  • Universities are an ivory tower head and shoulders above realistic life and , therefore , they should be able to guide society with a value transcending secular life
  • Yet the author has put his finger on some vital attributes needed by professionals in this hyper - competitive age . he has a clear view from his ivory tower
    然而,作者指出了专业人士在这个竞争过于激烈的时代所需的必要特质。身在“象牙塔”中的他“旁观者清” 。
  • The ivory tower is the crowning achievement of our civilization ! research done here will benefit future generations ! magic is the way of the future
  • In recent years , has been away from the eyes of people in non dispute to the sanctity of the ivory tower - - college students also frequently onto the administrative proceedings the dock
    近年来,一向在人们心目中远离是非纷扰之地的圣洁的象牙塔- -高校也频频被学生推上行政诉讼的被告席。
  • Among the ivory tower set , columbia university , that august ivy league institution that is now marking its 250th anniversary , may be lighting the way for other centers of learning
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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